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It may surprise most people that there is a major supply shortfall across the PDR Industry. So if you are a PDR technician, have been trained recently or even a panel beater, painter, detailer etc and wish to join the PDR industry, there is likely room for you somewhere in the industry,

If you have not been trained as a PDR technician and wish to apply for PDR training, there are a range of PDR training programs and opportunities to suite your needs for a successful career.

If you are interested in PDR Training, try PDR Training Australia or feel free to try the online pdr course.

If you are an existing PDR technician or have worked in the PDR industry as a trimmer or even in management or administration or quotation estimator, these skills are being sought after particularly during the peak hail season and major catastrophes. Feel free to apply with the following form. (International or overseas PDR technicians or PDR skilled workers please apply here).

PDR Technician Questionnaire

Your Employment or Business Information

How Flexible are you with travel?

Eye sight and age

This gives information to assist in directing the work and providing useful advice

  • Personal Information Australian Citizens and Permanent Residents
  • Your Employment or Business Information
  • How Flexible are you with travel that may be required in the PDR industry?
  • Eye sight and age

Name and Job Title

What is your first name?

What is your last name?

Phone Number

Email Address

What state do you live?

What city or suburb do you live?

Your gender

Are you and Australian Citizen or Permanent Resident

Can you speak English?

Other languages spoken

Type of Occupation

Experience in Paintless Dent Removal (The purpose of this is for placement within training or work)

What other skills do you have eg R and R, trimmer, panel beating

Do you operate your own business

Do you own or partially or fully operate a PDR Business

Flexibility in Travel (more for our information and not always will affect you being chosen)

How Flexible are you with travelling away from home?

How flexible are you with days of the week

First Date Available for starting in the PDR Industry (just used as a guide)

Eye sight and Age Information (This is extremely important to address to improve your quality of work).

How good is your eye sight? (Essential for PDR)

Generally what is your age?